Ungheria - 9 mesi, 30 giorni fa
Great artworks, nice staff, impressive sight from terraces with fantastic cappuccino :-)
Francia - 10 mesi, 26 giorni fa
Super pratique
Tout s est bien déroulé
Coupe file
Cile - 11 mesi, 24 giorni fa
Opinión del Museo Capitalino
Excelente Museo e interesante,hay mucha historia por conocer y lo recomiendo
Stati Uniti - 1 anno, 1 mese, 12 giorni fa
Cile - 1 anno, 3 mesi, 29 giorni fa
No pudimos ingresar
Pésima experiencia, no pudimos ingresar porque se cerró inesperadamente por una visita institucional. Nos avisan el mismo día y todavía no devuelven el dinero, poco más que decir!
Marocco - 1 anno, 6 mesi, 5 giorni fa
Todo bien
El museo es enorme tiene varias salas, desde luego la mas interesante es la 9 donde esta la loba..son dos edificios, por donde se entra, enfrente hay una sala egipcia y luego una fuente muy chula :)
Spagna - 1 anno, 6 mesi, 26 giorni fa
Todo perfecto!
Regno Unito - 1 anno, 8 mesi, 22 giorni fa
A must!
Any visit to Rome should include the Capitoline Museum which includes simply amazing Greek and Roman sculptures as well as Bernini and Caravaggio works of art.
Regno Unito - 1 anno, 8 mesi, 22 giorni fa
A must!
Any visit to Rome should include the Capitoline Museum which includes simply amazing Greek and Roman sculptures as well as Bernini and Caravaggio works of art.
Spagna - 1 anno, 11 mesi, 20 giorni fa
Museo muy interesante
Stati Uniti - 2 anni, 2 mesi, 30 giorni fa
Best museum ever
We had a truly enjoyable experience. Everything was clean and accessible. The staff was friendly.
Regno Unito - 2 anni, 3 mesi, 21 giorni fa
Incredible Collection
The most impressive collection of statues and art I have come across in Rome, which is saying something. The view over the forum is highly recommended!
Isabel M
Spagna - 2 anni, 3 mesi, 26 giorni fa
Me ha parecido una experiencia estupenda.
Canada - 2 anni, 4 mesi, 4 giorni fa
Immense collection. Well presented and well lite for photography.
Germania - 2 anni, 4 mesi, 13 giorni fa
The booking went smoothly. I received the tickets on time and was able to enter the museum without exchanging it into something else. On top of that, the tickets here were by far the cheapest compared to all the other sites I found.
María del Sol
Spagna - 2 anni, 5 mesi, 30 giorni fa
Museos Capitolinos
Stati Uniti - 2 anni, 6 mesi, 4 giorni fa
Very impressive collection!
The capitoline museum was beautiful. It had a stunning collection of marble busts that were outstanding. It had the most complete full-body statues of any other museum I have seen in the city. This is a to priority museum if you have limited time over others- even the Borgese.
Francia - 2 anni, 6 mesi, 8 giorni fa
Tres beau musee!
Incroyable musee! Il faut le visiter absolument si vous etes passionnés d antiquité greques et romaines!
Stati Uniti - 2 anni, 7 mesi, 28 giorni fa
Great Customer Service
I ordered two tickets for a Sunday, but by Saturday I still hadn't received the actual vouchers. I contacted customer service, honestly not expecting a response since it was late on a Saturday, but Chiara responded immediately and was able to help me. She even reassured me she would be in-office that Sunday in case I had any more trouble, which I didn't. I was very pleased and relieved and had a great time at the Museum.
Canada - 2 anni, 8 mesi, 11 giorni fa
You MUST see this Museum!
What a huge and amazing collection of statues! In my opinion it contains the best of the best!!
Italia - 2 anni, 9 mesi, 2 giorni fa
Germania - 2 anni, 11 mesi, 27 giorni fa
A shame for Rome
It is often not clear where the visit tour should lead to and to find the rooms on the guide. Finding the other side we and others did not succeed and than did not fo back. Returning the guide we had to wait for 10 minuted because the office was closed because rhey had to count some money. Totally unaccaptable. The Hall with the Marc Aurel is a shame for Rom. Looks old and walls are dirty. A desaster is the model of the jupiter Palace. The Heart of Rom illustrated in an dirty old ugly plastic model. Personal on top unfriendly when the get disturbed on the mobile activities by a visitors question.
Francia - 3 anni, 1 mese, 10 giorni fa
Epoustouflant , un plaisir pour les yeux . Superbe visite , très bonne organisation au niveau de la billetterie
Italia - 3 anni, 2 mesi, 3 giorni fa
Esperienza meravigliosa
Complesso molto bello, diviso in due parti, edifici comunicanti, personale gentile e disponibile!!
Italia - 3 anni, 2 mesi, 3 giorni fa
Esperienza meravigliosa
Complesso molto bello, diviso in due parti, edifici comunicanti, personale gentile e disponibile!!
Francia - 3 anni, 3 mesi, 7 giorni fa
Magnifique Musée
Visite très bien organisée avec Italy Travels
Stati Uniti - 3 anni, 3 mesi, 21 giorni fa
Worst museum I have ever been to. Very confusing and even staff could not help. I would skip this museum it's very disorganized.
Spagna - 3 anni, 4 mesi, 11 giorni fa
Merece la pena cada euro gastado, es impresionante
Francia - 3 anni, 4 mesi, 27 giorni fa
nice visit
Francia - 3 anni, 5 mesi, 1 giorno fa
Musei Capitolini
Tutto bene e molto bello
Italia - 3 anni, 5 mesi, 12 giorni fa
Visita ai Musei Capitolini
Francia - 3 anni, 6 mesi, 27 giorni fa
Très belles pièces
Musée magnifique qui présente beaucoup de très belles pièces
Regno Unito - 4 anni, 7 mesi, 29 giorni fa
customer service
Customer service has been first class with staff going above and beyond.
Suzanne M.
Francia - 5 anni, 5 mesi, 9 giorni fa
Musées du Capitole
C’était vraiment très beau et je conseille vivement la réservation en ligne. On gagne pas mal de temps!
Carlos Augusto Buendía Pérez
Argentina - 6 anni, 18 giorni fa
Para los amantes del arte
Vayan temprano porque se necesita varias horas para visitarlo, pensé que dos horas bastaban pero no fue así, me quede con ganas de ver mas, pero bueno les diré que es un museo casi obligatorio, el panorama que ofrece desde su terraza es maravilloso.
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